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Endelig kan vi invitere til en ny DJ-workshop på Tvibit! 10. november går det av stabelen og vi inviterer både erfarne og uerfarne DJ'er velkommen til oss.
Instruktører ved workshopen er:
Josef Bamba
Robin Ra'baldr
Shabby Chic
Third Attempt
Påmelding her/sign up here: https://forms.office.com/r/XAq9qsuaDA
After a long wait Tvibit is finally arranging a DJ-workshop again!
10th of november is the date and we are inviting those experienced and those who are new to DJ'ing to come and learn tips & tricks from these instructors:
Josef Bamba
Robin Ra'baldr
Shabby Chic
Third Attempt
Påmelding her/sign up here: https://forms.office.com/r/XAq9qsuaDA