So, you want to create your own project, but you don’t know where to start?
For decades, young people at our partner Frontløberne in Denmark and at Tvibit have done everything from small spontaneous events in courtyards, to big festivals with thousands of attendees.
Over the years, we’ve gained lots of experience and understanding of how young culture creators start and finish a project. It’s those experiences we’ve collected that you’ll find in this handbook.
This book is a kind of travel guide for creating cultural projects, which gives you and your team tools and advice on the road. It is divided into small chapters that briefly introduce the most essential elements of making a project and give you tools to move forward with your idea if you get stuck.
The format and the origin of the tools are from a book Frontløberne wrote in 2019, called “HACK DET!”, which is Scandinavian for “Hack it!”. That title is a good approach to take when doing projects - and reading this book. Take from it what you like, leave what you don’t, and you’ll learn the rest along the way. Now it’s just a matter of getting started creating the projects you dream about.
We believe in you! - Frontløberne and Tvibit ❤
Thanks for support from Erasmus+
Contact: marja.kristine.reibo.gundersen@tromso.kommune.no