Event Photography Program

Purpose and objectives:

With countless festivals and cultural events throughout the year, we recognize the growing need for skilled event photographers to capture the essence of these dynamic occasions. That's why we're thrilled to introduce our photography program. Our aim is to nurture talent and empower individuals interested in event photography, irrespective of prior experience, by providing comprehensive training and hands-on experience.

The program is a cooperation between Tvibit and four festivals being held in Tromso between June-August 2024 and is led by our experienced photographer, Jamie Bivard. It aims to equip participants with the skills and confidence to excel in event photography and photography in general. Like any other workshops at Tvibit, the whole program will be free.

Who can join?

No prior photography knowledge required – we'll start from scratch!

The structure of the program and the one by one method of instruction give everyone (with different levels of knowledge in photography) the chance to nurture their talent and join this program. We welcome anyone with a passion for photography and a desire to explore the world of events and festivals.

Don't have a professional camera? No problem! Tvibit provides all the necessary equipment for your learning journey.

*The program is going to be instructed in English.


The program is led by the experienced festival and event photographer Jamie Bivard. With his deep passion for Tromsø's vibrant cultural life, Jamie has contributed to a number of prestigious festivals and events, including TIFF, Insomnia, Rådstua/Davvi, Rabalder, Tromsø World, Kulturnatta, Pan-Arctic Vision & Nordting.

Also, participants will get the chance to work with some other photographers during the festivals and will get the chance to expand their network.

Program Outline:

Blend of Group Workshops and Personalized Training: The program offers a mix of interactive group workshops and one-on-one personalized time to cater to individual learning needs.

It's not only about photography! Learn additional skills gear that you need to be an event photographer. From negotiating and understanding the needs of your task giver to the differences between several events and festivals and how you should show up at each or even editing your pictures and how your work flow should be as an event photographer.

Theory and Practice: Dive into theoretical workshops and insightful discussions on photography techniques, complemented by hands-on practice at the festivals. As a participant, you'll have the exciting opportunity to serve as a volunteer photographer at upcoming festivals and events under Jamie's expert guidance. This means you'll receive a volunteer pass, granting you access to some of Tromsø's most thrilling cultural happenings while honing your photography skills.

Networking and Support: Connect with fellow participants and establish lasting relationships within the photography community. Plus, benefit from ongoing guidance from Jamie even after the program concludes.

Finish the program with Confidence: By the end of the program, you'll emerge equipped with a solid foundation in event photography and ready to embark on a fulfilling career in this dynamic field. Stay connected with Jamie even after the program concludes, as he offers ongoing guidance and mentorship to kickstart your photography career in Tromsø.

***The program includes 8 sessions of two hour workshops and hands on practice at these festivals: Rabalda, Bukta, Jazzfestivalen, Musikfest. The workshops will be held on the week before each festival and on the festival week participants will have the chance to practice what they have learned. In case you consent to join the festival and get the festival pass, you are obliged to participate at least one full day of the festival to take pictures.

The dates of the festivals are as follow:

Rabalder festival 22-23 June

Bukta festival 19-20 July

Jazzfestivalen 7-11 August

Musikkfest 17 August

Program Schedule:

Tue 11 June 18-20 Workshop at Tvibit (Multi 2)
Thu 13 June 18-20 Workshop at Tvibit (Mulighetsrommet)
17-21 June *one photography session during rigging up of Rabalda festival. (2hrs to-be-announced)

22-23 June Rabalder festival

Tue 9 July 18-20 Workshop at Kulturhuset
Thu 11 July 18-20 Workshop at Kulturhuset
15-18 July *one photography session during rigging up of Bukta festival. (2hrs to-be-announced)

19-20 July Bukta festival

Tue 6 August 18-20 Workshop at Tvibit (Multi 2)
Thu 8 August 18- 20 Workshop at Tvibit (Multi 2)

7-11 August Jazz festival

Tue 13 August 18-20 Workshop at Tvibit (Multi 2)
Thu 15 August 18-20 Workshop at Tvibit (Multi 2)

17 August Musikfest

If you have any questions about this program please contact:


Apply here: https://forms.office.com/e/e5Zc91iEHf