Insomnia + Tvibit

I samarbeid med Insomnia festivalen vil det under festivalen være flere workshoper her på Tvibit, med ny og innovativ musikk i fokus.

Onsdag 24.Oktober fra kl.13.00 : Field Recording med Gisle Meyer. Info og påmelding her.

Torsdag 25.oktober fra kl.13.00:ACOUSTICS IN ELECTRONIC MUSIC - Jesse. Påmelding her.

Fredag 26.oktober 13.00 & 16:00: VOCALS & ELECTRONICS – UMBRA. Påmelding her

FIELD RECORDING w/ Gisle Meyer: In this workshop we invite those of you with some experience in music production to discover the possibilities of field recordings: How to create music from the sounds. The workshop will focus on both the technical and artistic/creative part of creating music with field recordings. Bring your own machine, headphones and one or more raw soundfiles that you have recorded previously.

More info here.

Acoustics in Electronic Music: In this workshop you will join Finnish band Jesse in discovering how acoustic instruments can be used and intertwined with electronic music. They will show techniques to integrate guitars and percussion into the electronic world.

More info here.

VOCALS & ELECTRONICS – UMBRA: The aim of this workshop is to explore the transfer of the voice from the body to the electronics. We will investigate the sounding, articulation, processing, as well as treatment of the voice as an instrument – percussive, melodic, textual, etc.

More info here.

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